
Monday, June 14, 2010



I am going to have a very productive week! Yes, I am! I'm just going to keep telling myself that.

I finished off my WIP this weekend, well, sort of. Just a bit of polishing left, including using the wonderful suggestions from my critique partner, then ready to send out for more fresh eyes! It's 47,000 words. Yikes. A bit short, but maybe I'll flesh out some characters, build suspense, and that could stretch it out. Who knows. But I am very happy to be done with another draft of it. This draft was a major, major rewrite. And it was torture. Smile.

I'm also going to catch up on reading/critiquing/adoring another beta's manuscript.

I keep getting new ideas. I'm writing them all down, but I've decided my next WIP will be a YA Contemporary. I'm 13,000 words in, which sort of just happened, which I am going to take as a good sign. I'm writing in third person, which I haven't tried in a long time, and I think this works better for me. It's so much easier for me to see the character from the outside. I have trouble doing that so much with first person.

Anyway, after this new project, I'm going to head into MG territory. I've got two ideas for those and would love to give that a try! Yeah! And I've got about three or four screenplay ideas I'd like to try...maybe possibly an adult novel...

Too many imaginary people dancing in my head! I keep dreaming about beaches. I've got to get to a beach. And soon!

Happy Monday!


  1. Good positive self-reinforcement! I'm sure your week will end up being very productive, probably way more than mine. :) Although I do have major writing goals I want to finish. I guess I'll just have to try not to spend TOO much time playing Legend of Zelda. Hmm... :D

  2. wow .. hope you have a productive week! seriously its a great thing.. any way, just came across your blog and im following it for sure!
    its great!

  3. Bethany - Playing Zelda can be considered productive. =)

    Welcome Tristafivestar! I'm so glad to have you as a follower!

    The weather here this week is cooperating with my goal to be super productive. Last night, I was, thanks to super severe thunderstorms. More on the way, too! Three nights in a row of storms, storms, storms. Not a fan, but it forces me to stay inside!

  4. Hey you! I'm glad one of us is having a productive week!lol

    Very cool about the third person too, I have been playing with the idea myself.
