
Friday, April 23, 2010

Will Grayson, Will Grayson

I went to a book signing last night! I saw John Green and David Levithan. =)

They signed my book:

John Green basically lives in my backyard. Not really. But we live in the same city. Fingers crossed he has some leftover awesome writing vibes he can magically send over the highway, down my street, and through my writing window. I won't mention (okay, I am mentioning it) that first I went to the wrong Borders and asked the clerk, "Is there another Borders around here?" to which he replied "Miss, you're in a Borders." I blinked. I stared blankly. And then I realized that it doesn't matter what my hair color is (no longer a blond) because apparently I look incredibly dumb. On the way to the actual Borders where the actual John Green and the actual David Levithan were signing, my husband says, "I hope you realize you are in a car." Yes. I did. Thank you.

I'll be reading Will Grayson, Will Grayson this weekend. I'm looking forward to it because the sky plans to release a little rain Saturday and Sunday. These two authors are very funny together (I finally made it, late, which put me at the back of the line for signing but that was okay because they are lightning fast signers; there is a system). I felt like I was watching a stand up comedy show. They answered wonderful questions (I, um, stood quietly in the back) and John Green's wife was there and helped with the reading, and John Green's new baby, Henry, made an appearance and he was so cute and adorable and everyone awwwwwwwed.

And that was my book-filled, lovely evening. We also picked up Avatar. Did you know this is the Number One Movie of ALL TIME. Score!

Happy Reading!


  1. That is soooo cool that you got to meet them!! Despite evil Borders clerk.
    Planning on picking up my copy of Avatar this weekend.

  2. That's awesome about the book signing! I haven't heard of these authors, but I'll have to check them out. And Avatar was so good!
